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Sue FazioSue Fazio’s favorite line is “I paint all day, EVERY day!” And although this is not THE truth, it is the truth of her goal and passion for painting.

She chooses her medium (oil, pastel, encaustic or acrylic) depending on whether she is painting animals, flowers, landscapes, people or abstracts. Painting for Sue is her greatest joy (besides her family) and her work is full of expressive color, shapes and textures. “It is how my passion meets the world!” The freedom of creation is evident in all of her work.

Often questioned as to why she she doesn’t “settle” on one style, subject or medium, her answer is quite authentic…”I do not choose all the same kind of people as friends nor eat the same foods every day or only love one place.”

Her journey as a painter has carried her through the dramas of raising six children, earning a doctorate in education (FAU), a dozen moves, marriage to golf course architect Tom Fazio (37 years and still counting).  Painting is how her passion meets the world.  She paints because she needs to and she is excited with the challenge.  She sells her paintings and prints because she needs space and all the proceeds benefit her hometown Boys & Girls Club of Hendersonville, North Carolina that she and Tom founded in 1993.

Welcome to Sue’s World!!

Check out her blog where you can see her latest paintings!